created at January 30, 2021
Theoretical Mechanics basic course (statics)
The main concepts and equations of mechanics are described in this course.
Lesson 6 - Solving problems of statics. You will learn how to compose and solve the equations of equilibrium for a specific mechanical system. Two examples are provided.
Lesson 5 - Equilibrium and reactions. The basic concept of statics - equilibrium, Newton's first law, different types of connections applied to bodies with live examples.
Lesson 4 - adding forces, reducing a system of forces to a center point. You will learn how to add forces to find resulting force, and also understand the difference between resulting and net force.
Lesson 3 - Force and Torque. Explains the concepts of Force and Torque - the measures of intensity of mechanical interactions between bodies.
Lesson 2 - Material Point and Rigid Body. Introduced two basic approaches on how do we look at our mechanical system: Material Point and Rigid Body
Lesson 1 - About mechanics. Describes the subject of theoretical mechanics, applicability, some basic approaches and assumptions